The Difrax Hands-free Breast Pump is a 2 phase pump. Phase 1 is the stimulation setting. The pump makes short suction actions to induce a let-down reflex. This helps the milk start to flow. We recommend you start your session with the pump set to Phase 1. Phase 2 is the pump setting. You have the choice of using the regular expressing mode or the intensive expressing mode. Both phase 1 and phase 2 have 8 levels of suction power and speed in all modes. The pump has enough suction settings to find the right suction power for different preferences and situations.
Note Expressing milk should not be painful, and the highest setting is not always the best or fastest setting. The setting at which the milk starts to flow well is the correct setting. The correct setting may differ per breast or each time you express. It is normal for the milk to flow sporadically, in short bursts. We recommend returning to let-down mode or switching breasts if you are expressing with a single breast pump.